Hellbenders - Chillicothe Ohio
Chapter 211 - Membership and Officers

"Mack” , Charter Holder and President of Hellbenders International
"Mack" is also President of local Chapter 211

A. Clowney , “George” – Vice President
Assist the President in his duties
To perform the duties of the President in his absence

T.P. Rolle , “Bacon” – Secretary
Keep a record of all meetings of the club.
Send out notices of regular or special meetings.
Perform such other duties as assigned by the President or Vice-Pres

Sam Stone , “Sammy” – Road Captain
Preside and maintain order during rides and events
Enforce all club rules of group riding
To plan all Club tours, runs, activities, etc.

Douglas Dirt , “Duggy” – Treasurer
Collect dues from all members
Collect all other monies due the club
Maintain the financial books and records for the club

Winter Rabbit , "Frank"
Deliver Snowballs in form of Easter eggs
Eggs may or may not contain "snow"

Jeff C. (Can't be Censored)
Genuine Hell raiser
Brings the beer to all events